Live Games

The game clock

At the bottom of the Game Detail screen, you will see the game controls tray.

This tray will contain the controls for the game clock, substitutions, and player and game events.

To start a game, tap the “Start” button in the tray.

This will start the game clock, add a kickoff event to the timeline, and start all the starting player’s play timers. 

All users following your team will now show “LIVE” on their schedules.

Tip: A red outline around a player card indicates that they are currently on the field.

Adding Timeline events

Timeline events are responsible for populating stats throughout the rest of KeeperBox.

To add a timeline event, tap and hold on a player card on the Lineup tab. This is the fastest way to input events, as KeeperBox will automatically select that player for you in the following screen. Another option is to tap the “Add event” button in the tray, or tap once on the player card to open their game profile, and then tap “Add event” at the bottom. (The “Add event” button was added everywhere in order to be as accessible as possible!)

Important: Timeline events can only be added during games!

On the Add Event screen, KeeperBox will navigate through the menus for you to make the process as fast as possible.

Tap submit, and once the event saves the screen will close. 

Important: KeeperBox requires a stable network connection to operate effectively.

That’s it! Your event should now appear on the timeline, and all your player and team stats have now been updated. Users following your team will see timeline events come through almost instantly.

Tip: Tapping the “Add event” or “Sub” buttons in the tray correspond to the selected team at the top of the screen. If you are not seeing the correct players, make sure you have the right team selected above!

Edit Timeline events

Event Detail, editing and deleting Timeline events

Tap an event on the timeline to view more detail. 

For Admins, Timeline events can be edited at any time from this screen.

Changes can be made to the player, event type, time occurred, or goal/field location.

KeeperBox will handle updating all the relevant information in player profiles and team stats.


The substitution menu can handle many subs at once.

To make a substitution, tap the “Sub” button in the tray. Another option is to tap once on a player card in the lineup tab to open their game profile, and then tap “Sub” at the bottom.

Select the players you want to sub in or out and KeeperBox will do the rest. A red arrow indicates a sub out, and a green arrow indicates a sub in.

Player play timers will be started when a player subs in and stopped when a player subs out. 

Roster presets make substitutions even faster. Create a roster preset by tapping the Add new roster preset button and select the players you want. Name your preset and tap Save at the top right corner. This creates a reusable button that will automatically sub in and sub out the players within the preset.

Once you have selected the players you want to sub, tap “Submit” at the bottom.

Tip: Tapping the “Add event” or “Sub” buttons in the tray correspond to the selected team at the top of the screen. If you are not seeing the correct players, make sure you have the right team selected above!

Halftime, pausing, and ending a game

To stop the clock for halftime, tap the “Pause game” button in the tray, and select “Halftime”. This will stop the clock, add a “Halftime” event to the timeline, and stop all the player’s play timers. Halftime will also reset player’s “Time since last sub” clock.

To pause a game in progress and stop the clock, tap the “Pause” button at the bottom of the screen. Pausing a game will pause all player clocks, but will not reset their “Time since last sub”. When the game is paused the timer will show a yellow border.

Tip: Game events like shots, goals, etc. can all be added and edited while the clock is paused or at halftime. This is a good time to make changes if necessary! Players can also be subbed in/out at halftime.

Tip: Don’t forget to resume the game after halftime!

To end a game, tap the “Pause” or “Resume" button and tap “End game”.

Ending a game will add a result to your Team Dashboard, and update all player profiles with the total time they’ve played (other game stats update live). 

Once a game is ended, no more stats can be added. Stats that were entered during the game can be edited however.

Tip: There is a little surprise on-screen if you win your game!

PK Shootouts

KeeperBox can handle all sorts of game scenarios, including penalty kick shootouts.

If a game is currently tied, tapping the “Pause/Resume” button in the tray will give you an option to start a PK shootout. 

This functions similarly to regular game events, but player timers will be stopped, and the only available events to add will be “Goal”, “Save”, “Miss”. 

Similarly to ending a game, no other regular-time events can be added once a PK shootout has been initiated. The game outcome will then be determined by the score of the PK shootout.

After a PK shootout is complete, tap “End game” to finalize the game.

Game Delays

Display a delay notice to all spectators

If your game needs to be delayed for weather, injury or any other reason. You can notify your spectators quickly and easily by navigating to the Info tab in the game detail. 

Toggle the Game delay switch on, and select the type of delay you'd like to display. Instantly, all spectators will show a banner at the top right of their screen. 

Important: Setting a game delay will NOT pause the game timer. If you need to stop the clock, be sure to do so from the game controls tray at the bottom of the screen.